Flood Smart Roundtable
Building a Flood Smart Seacoast
As a follow-up to 2018’s Flood Smart Workshops, SHEA is instituting a Flood Smart Roundtable discussion forum. These informal meetings will be held every 2nd month, starting in February, 2019. The meetings are open to residents and property owners in Hampton, Seabrook, and any other coastal New Hampshire communities. SHEA will work with the participants to focus attention on their topics of interest, providing research documents when appropriate, and inviting guest speakers to provide additional information on specific issues.
The objective of these Roundtable discussions is to help coastal residents learn more about flooding issues that are occurring, and about various approaches they can take to mitigate the impacts of that flooding.
Please check here frequently for more information these meetings. If you’d like to be added to the email list for information about upcoming meetings, please subscribe below.
Two-Part Webinar
FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0 and Adopting Higher Floodplan Building Standards
June 9, 2022
This webinar provides an overview of FEMA’s recent update to the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) flood insurance risk rating methodology (Risk Rating 2.0). This methodology applies to all new or renewing flood insurance policies and more accurately reflects a property’s unique flood risk by considering a broader range of variables. This presentation highlights what is and isn’t changing under Risk Rating 2.0. The second part of the webinar explores Hampton NH’s work in developing higher regulatory building standards for structures within flood-prone areas as a strategy for adapting to more frequent high-tide flooding and worsening coastal storms.
Seacoast Transportation Corridor Vulnerability Assessment
APRIL 19, 2022
David Walker, Assistant Director and Transportation Program Manager at the Rockingham Planning Commission presented the analysis and recommendations from the recently-completed Seacoast Transportation Corridor Vulnerability Assessment. The presentation included details from the Assessment, as well as suggested next steps and information about additional resources for coastal communities to consider when looking at the impacts of climate changes on their local roadways.
The full report can be found HERE. (www.therpc.org/STCVA)
August 10, 2019 Flood Smart Roundtable:
Alexx Monastiero, a NH State Hazard Mitigation Officer, gave a presentation on FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs. Details included an explanation of the differences in the 3 Grant programs, what the grants can fund, who can qualify, the application process, timing, and other details. Click HERE for a copy of that presentation.
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