Seabrook Coastal Resilience Team (CRT)
Upcoming CRT Meeting
Seabrook Dunes Public Workshop – Stay Tuned – Spring 2025
Coastal Resilience Team (CRT)
In 2022, based on the success of Hampton’s Coastal Resilience Team (CHAT) in researching and formulating recommendations to help the Town address issues of coastal resiliency, tidal flooding, and storm surges, the Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary Alliance (SHEA) partnered with the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) to endeavor to create a similar group in Seabrook. SHEA and RPC met with the Seabrook Select Board and the Board voted to endorse the creation of the Seabrook Coastal Resilience Team (SCRT). Subsequent meetings with the Seabrook Planning Board and Conservation Commission, and the Seabrook Beach Village District Planning Board led to the formation of the Team.
To evaluate, assist, support, educate and advise on current and future coastal flooding adaptation strategies for the town.
Public Dune Walkway Assessment
“Environmental and Usage Assessment of Seabrook’s Public Dune Walkways”

In early 2023, CRT members began discussing the condition of various public walkways that extend from Ocean Drive across the dunes to the beach. In the northern part of Seabrook Beach, these walkways are the only access points from the streets to the beach. Concerns were raised about the deteriorating state of some of these walkways and the potential safety risks they pose. Additionally, questions arose about how the walkways’ design and layout might impact the dune system’s health and integrity.
The Town of Seabrook, in partnership with the Rockingham Planning Commission and SHEA, applied and was awarded a Coastal Resilience Grant from the NH Department of Environmental Service’s Coastal Program. The grant aims to evaluate Seabrook’s existing dune walkways for opportunities to improve public safety and accessibility while preserving and protecting the integrity of the ecological dune systems. Below is additional information and documents related to the project’s progress.
Dune Walkway Physical Assessment
Dune Walkway Environmental Assessment
Summer 2024
Summary of Findings & Recommendations
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