Green Grass, Clean Water


Green Grass, Clean Water

Learn how to grow and maintain a beautiful, healthy lawn while protecting local water resources. Julia Peterson, Coastal Water Resources Specialist at the University of New Hampshire talks about grass seed choices, fertilizer, watering, and mowing – all designed to help give you a great lawn and a healthy environment.
This project is funded, in part, by NOAA’s Office of Coastal Mangement under the Coastal Zone Management Act in conjunction with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program.

NOTE: Due to technical issues, the video starts a few moments into the presentation. We apologize for this issue.


New England Regional Fertilizer and Management Recommendations for Lawns:

Selections of Grasses (U. Mass Extension, Turf Program):

NHDES Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act:

Managing Stormwater New Hampshire Sea Grant):

Landscaping For Water Quality (UNH Extension):

Soak Up The Rain New Hampshire (NH Department of Environmental Services):

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